Subject: [docs project] i want to join!
To: None <>
From: Livid Torvalds <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 08/04/2003 14:03:14
hello, i'm a coder from china, mainland. bsd-like systems are my favorite, i 
spent almost my all my time on them. so i really, really hope that i can do 
something for, the best bsd in my opinion.

i think i can do something on the docs project, so that make more chinese 
people known that another great choice is netbsd!

well, would you like to give me some guide? and tell me what is the most 
needed to be done first! so that i and my workmates(they love bsd too!!!) 
will start our work on the docs project as soon as i got your mail.

best regards, thank you all in advance for creating so great os!

livid, 2003.8.4

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