Subject: Re: New Chapters Added
To: Daniel de Kok <>
From: Jason R. Fink <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 08/04/2003 10:22:12
> > Over time, of course, we will continue to add new
> > material as we see fit, for now at least we are out
> > of emergancy mode.
> Still, I think it is not a bad idea to organize things
> differently. I do realize there might be too little people
> to appoint a maintainer for every part or chapter of the
> guide, but there might be good ways to keep the guide
> up to date all the time.
Eventually this is likely how it will go, just not
right now.
> Submitting a diff for every spelling
> or writing mistake is simply too much work. Wouldn't it
> be a good idea to create an off-site CVS tree and give
> people actively involved with the guide commit access?
I do not particularly like the idea of maintaining a
seperate CVS server just for the Guide.
> Then somebody with cvs access could commit
> the "stable" parts in the NetBSD CVS.
Right now I have not had a problem getting changes in.
Sometimes it takes up to 2-3 days but it is not like
_not_ having a change in is going to break the system
or anything.
Like I have said before though, if the Guide grows
to a point where my coordinating updates becomes unwieldy,
I will certainly begin doling out chapters or even entire
subject matter to other people.
I do realize right now it appears that I am one level deep
for coordinating content updates, I will see if I can coerce some other
developers into assissting me for when I am on holiday or
otherwise disposed.