Subject: 2.0 Guide
To: None <,>
From: Jason R. Fink <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 04/10/2004 04:10:06
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hello gang,

Yes it is the annoying me again :-)

I've seen rumblings of branches for the Guide, problems
with the Guide and 2.0 is coming up oh my!

Well, all of those issues are accurate and here is the deal,
I need some help/decisions/votes from everyone to see how we
can tackle some issues.

1) Should we branch or just include a 2.0 compliant version
of the guide at shipping time? I do not know the best answer,=20
but, many of our CD makers are shipping the Guide. That really
pushes me towards branching (which cracks me up, 2 years ago I
would have been dead set against it but we are getting popular!).

2) Problems
Hubert's network page is still broke, the next link does not work.
Also, we need to toss out the install walk through page with the
images. It is sorely out of date, yes, we can redo it, but=20
not *now*, for now, toss it.

So here is the good news.
Those are the only issues I am aware of which is a far cry from
where we stood a year ago.

Good job to all of you.


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