Subject: Re: 2.0 Guide
To: None <>
From: Hiroki Sato <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 04/11/2004 00:00:28
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"Hubert Feyrer" <> wrote
in <Pine.GSO.4.53.0404101250020.1786@rfhpc8317>:
hubert> On Sat, 10 Apr 2004, Jason R. Fink wrote:
hubert> > 1) Should we branch or just include a 2.0 compliant version
hubert> > of the guide at shipping time? I do not know the best answer,
hubert> > but, many of our CD makers are shipping the Guide. That really
hubert> > pushes me towards branching (which cracks me up, 2 years ago I
hubert> > would have been dead set against it but we are getting popular!).
hubert> Don't branch - too much maintenance effort, and it's not like there's
hubert> constant updates. We can always do it if someone wants to do a major
hubert> rewrite for 2.1/3.0.
I think so, too.
hubert> 3) the build process is not very transparent.
hubert> when typing 'make', it should be checked if the pkgs needed to do the
hubert> translation are installed, and if not a warning with instructions should
hubert> be printed.
Sorry, I am working on it but it does not finish yet. Probably I can commit
the results this weekend or in the next week.
| Hiroki SATO
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