Subject: Re: About Finnish translations.
To: Amokrun <>
From: Daniel de Kok <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 10/18/2004 18:56:26
On Mon, Oct 18, 2004 at 07:19:00PM +0300, Amokrun wrote:
> Thus my question. Would it be possible to first do the guide as it is and 
> then commit it without rest of the content? 

Sure, that's how the Dutch translation started. The Guide is a quite
coherent source of information, and useful for a lot of people. We could
just link it from the documentation section once you have translated
some chapters.

> I'm guessing that yes is the 
> answer, as there seem to be few languages for which only the guide is 
> available. If that is indeed possible, should I just commit the parts of 
> the site that deal with the guide?

The usual procedure is to send the translation to netbsd-docs first, to
see whether somebody speaking Finish wants review it. If it all looks
OK, somebody from the WWW team can commit it to the htdocs tree.

-- Daniel