Subject: The htdocs layout proposal
To: None <>
From: Mike M. Volokhov <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 11/30/2004 12:14:48

At this moment files in htdocs stored as follows:

	- the htdocs contains an English site.
	- other languages are stored in relevant directories.

IMHO this makes more troubles rather advantages. A few of:

	- we should use some dirty hacks to build language dependent files.
	- many tools and other extra files are mixed with site content.
	- build process seems not clean and too complex.
	- non English sites built without own layout.

For example, many sites use "en" as build language, which is incorrect:

mishka@nostromo:176> pwd
mishka@nostromo:177> make -n -d v | grep LANG
Global:LANG = en
Global:XSLFILE = ${WEB_PREFIX}/share/xsl/netbsd-webpage-${LANG}.xsl
mishka@nostromo:205> pwd
mishka@nostromo:206> make -n -d v | grep LANG
Global:LANG = en
Global:XSLFILE = ${WEB_PREFIX}/share/xsl/netbsd-webpage-${LANG}.xsl

My proposal is create a more clean directory hierarchy. Thus, the very
top level would contains:

	share/mk	- [already] shared XML and makefiles.
	share/xsl	- [already] XSLT things.
	share/xml	- [already] XML things.
	share/tools	- various tools, such as, list2html, etc.
	en		- English site.
	de		- German site.
	jp		- Japanese site.
	<lang>		- and so on, other language dependend sites.
	index.html	- the file. Would contain the copy of en/index.html,
			  but with modified links (relative to htdocs/en/..).
			  Or may contain links to various languages.

Then, all makefiles should include link to share/mk/<lang>.mk
(which will include share/mk/ only and it would "did a
magic". This looks just like the NetBSD source tree.

Any comments please?


P.S. Moreover, at this period we may reorganize the site content too.