Subject: Re: better integration of news pages for NetBSD and pkgsrc
To: Klaus Heinz <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 05/29/2005 04:42:28
On Sun, 29 May 2005, Klaus Heinz wrote:
> My plan is to mark news in htdocs/Changes/index.xml with an
> attribute class="news.pkgsrc" iff it is relevant for

Would it be possible to add port-specific news that way, too, that would 
then show up on the various ports pages?

Personally I think it'd be ok to duplicate those entries (also the pkgsrc 
ones) on htdocs/index.html - the update frequency's not too high.

>   <sect3 id="yyyymmddnn-identifier" class="news.pkgsrc">

Tagging news that way looks ok to me, but for the port-sepecific things I 
wonder if/how things that affect more than one port could be done - are 
multiple "class" attributes allowed, or something like 

  - Hubert

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