Subject: Re: another patch needed for htdocs
To: Roland Illig <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 10/13/2005 12:18:23
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On 2005.10.13 12:29:37 +0200, Roland Illig wrote:
| Roland Illig wrote:
| >Hello all,
| >
| >this patch creates a file in htdocs/share/mk, similar to=20
| >the pkgsrc/mk/ I consider this a non-trivial change, and,=
| >as Alistair has tought me, it is better to ask for discussion before=20
| >committing such a change.
| As usual, I forgot to explain _why_ this patch is useful. From the other=
| thread you might know that I want to remove the need for many of the=20
| files.
| With this patch applied, I could remove all of the files=20
| except the ones that specify the DOCLANG variable, which are still=20
| needed. Almost all Makefiles in htdocs/ could be made four lines=20
| shorter, without becoming harder to understand.

Ah, I was going to ask you specifically why you were removing
DOCLANG. :) I'm sure you are going to set DOCLANG in
htdocs/, right?

The patch looks fine.

		-- Rui Paulo

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