Subject: Re: CVS commit: htdocs/Documentation/Hardware/Machines/DEC
To: Roland Illig <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 10/16/2005 00:16:13
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On 2005.10.15 21:27:07 +0200, Roland Illig wrote:
| Rui Paulo wrote:
| >On 2005.10.15 19:30:35 +0200, Roland Illig wrote:
| >| Rui Paulo wrote:
| >| >You need to add this new file to htdocs/layout.xml too.
| >|=20
| >| why doesn't a "make" in htdocs/ complain about that? It's not fair to=
| >| leave this job to a human. ;)
| >
| >Hm. How exactly do you want make to detect new XML files?
| cd htdocs
| make show-all-xml-docs # <-- not yet implemented
| or even better:
| make lint # <-- not yet implemented, too
| The details are left to the implementor of htdocslint. Whoever that will=
| be. ;)

I can't find a really strong way to implement that... :-/ Mainly
because the layout.xml defines how the website is structured (top
links, next links, bottom links, etc.) and doing that with make(1) the
right way is a PITA.

		-- Rui Paulo

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