Subject: Web page layout
To: None <>
From: Roland Illig <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 10/23/2005 12:03:33

I'm missing some common structure on the NetBSD web site that makes it 
easy to navigate around. I would like a page to look like this:

[ NetBSD ]
[        ]   [Documentation] / [Hardware] / [Machines] / [DEC]
[  Logo  ]


All the rest

Last modified: %NetBSD: index.xml,v foo bar baz%

Here, the NetBSD logo serves as a kind of identification, while the 
directory structure gives the users the information about their current 
location. Currently, our web pages look like singletons, often providing 
no links at all to other pages. This is counter-productive for surfing 

By the way, what do all these daemon images mean? Wasn't the NetBSD flag 
our logo?
