Subject: Re: character sets in XML documents
To: None <>
From: Emil Hessman <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 01/17/2006 09:48:03
Thus wrote Klaus Heinz:

> [ moved to netbsd-docs ]
> Rui Paulo wrote:
> > I think he should set the enconding in the first line of the XML 
> > files and then use the native language accents/punctuation/etc.
> So far, I always use character entities for German umlauts instead of
> ISO-8859-1. Since NetBSD's localization features still leave a lot to
> be desired I felt this would make it easier for everybody.
> Should we encourage people to use their native character sets or leave
> it up to them?

   For portability reasons, I'd prefer use of either UTF-8 or XML
entities. According to the NetBSD guide, XML entities are preferable to
national characters;

	-- ceh