Subject: Re: simplifying htdocs build procedure (long term)
To: None <>
From: Ulrich Habel <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 01/30/2006 12:29:47
> >I developed some sites using plain XML+XSLT with a home-grown DTD (which
> >had very similar tags to Docbook) and home-grown stylesheets. They were
> >damn fast to rebuild and were able to do all you pointed out.
> >
> >So this could be a solution. Throw away docbook-xsl/docbook-website
> >(possibly including docbook-xml too) and create some simple stylesheets
> >(and DTD) from scratch.
> What would be the advantage here over (say) going back straight to .list
> files?
Speaking as a newbie in the field of NetBSD documentation - it's a
horror to get a grip on the htdocs thing. We have old .list files, brand
new xml files and lot's of html files. Lot's of different sources with
some spare documentation what to edit and where to submit changes (read:
find someone to submit them for you).
XML is quite nice for transforming documents - with XMLmind as editor
it's quite nice to edit if you stay with standard docbook format.
Maybe it's the time to start a discussion about needs and optional
things. If transformation to html, pdf, text, man is an issue XML might
be useful - if only webpages are needed .link would be sufficent.