Subject: Re: simplifying htdocs build procedure (long term)
To: None <>
From: Ulrich Habel <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 02/01/2006 20:23:30
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> > Btw. - having X11 libs installed is just a few megabytes more - that
> > can't be a big issue. Cleaning up old documentation and old list files
> > and some eps-things might save more harddrive space.
> The problem is not disk space. For a number of reasons (including
> security) you should not have X11 installed where you won't need it.

A buildhost might have the X11 libs installed in order to build things
which have dependencies on X.

Is there any sense why nbwww has to build the docs? I thought a
webserver has to deliver docs - not to build them. That was the reason
why I suggested to run the make process on a different host and use
rsync for distributing the docs.

btw - xml2pdf conversion takes huge amounts of memory (with the
toolchain I use here at work), if nbwww has already a load problem it
won't make to much sense to put more stuff on it. The pdf docs are
nothing which is on the needed list, it would be nice, however.


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