Subject: Re: adding an xml validate target
To: None <>
From: Simas Mockevicius <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 04/24/2006 08:04:06
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On Sun, Apr 23, 2006 at 04:04:02PM -0400, Jan Schaumann wrote:
> PHP has a number of problems, though: the server needs to run the php,
> which makes it vulnerable to any security problems found in php (and
> they are plenty, and regular). In addition, this means that all mirrors
> would need to run php as well.
if we use php as now runing xml? just generate HTML files. We don't need to=
compile module for apache, or other web server software, php work on comman=
d line
too. Mirrors would't need to run PHP, they shows only generated (as it is n=
ow files).
> The other advantage of XML (if it were implemented correctly) is that we
> could generate other formats from it.
with PHP we could also generate PDF files, don't know about other formats, =
but with
GD library and PHP GD module, we can generate images (vs. Xearth)...
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