Subject: Re: NetBSD Documentation Framework - how to do it
To: None <>
From: James K. Lowden <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 12/11/2006 21:48:16
Mike M. Volokhov wrote:
> But before all, I'd like to know your opinions on this topic. It
> would be really silly to sent the wide proposal without getting
> buy-in from you, NetBSD documentoraptors, first.
I have not contributed one page of NetBSD documentation, but I've
maintained the FreeTDS User Guide in SGML DocBook with Jade for years. I
consider it a solved problem. I don't prepare printed output, but I've
always thought that was pretty much a matter of installing and setting up
Is SGML too old-fashioned, or Jade too heavyweight, or both?
I'm interested in participating. IMHO if the BSDs decided to use one
documentation toolchain, we could develop the expertise we need to
exploit, say, stylesheets and to maintain any more-or-less abandoned