Subject: Re: NetBSD Documentation Framework - how to do it
To: None <>
From: Mike M. Volokhov <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 12/14/2006 07:33:53
"James K. Lowden" <> wrote:
> Mike M. Volokhov wrote:
> > This can (and is) done in the following forms:
> >
> > - web-site
> > - documents for offline browsing
> > - documents for printing (including books)
> > - other forms (not addressed here): verbal, prezos, ads...
> >
> > Can you use Jade as solution for the first three? Yes, but it has
> > not been adopted for this yet.
> I'm not sure what you mean by "it has not been adopted for this yet."
> Jade obviously outputs HTML and PDF. From my POV, that satisfies the
> domain [1,3].
> If you mean "has not been adopted by the NetBSD project", then, sure, of
> course.
Please compare the following two guides:
Next, please compare the following two web-site frameworks:
- NetBSD DocBook Website based htdocs/share
- Apache Forrest
And let me cite yourself: ``In order to accept this you should
think about web-site as not about pile of [HTML] files available
via HTTP, and about printable books as not about pile of pages
which you can send to printer.''
Yes, there is a difference between web-site and pile of files.
Someone can neglect this difference and call their pile as "web-site".
But we usually referring the same thing as "bad web-site". Even
worse for books.