Subject: Re: NetBSD Documentation Framework - how to do it
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Mike M. Volokhov <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 12/15/2006 12:52:47
Hubert Feyrer <> wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Dec 2006, Mike M. Volokhov wrote:
> >If we will take Jade again, there is no jade-based framework to
> >build perfect books (correct me please if I'm wrong; but see above).
> Just an idea: what do you think of TeX?
> Gives print and (with latex2html) HTML.
> As an alternative, I've made good experiences with 
> No, it's not XML, but so what.

Some *TeX is certainly an option. But I don't think LaTeX can easily
substitute XML here. TeX was designed to deal with typesetting of
complex pages, and LaTeX bring some high level structures. But it
still the typographic system by nature.

Also, it's good to store content and representation separately.
Single source, multiple representations, data recombination -
just to mention few advantages. And surely tools should made this
possible. Looks like XML clearly wins here.

But "XML Way" have some severe cons. Human-discouraging format for
source files and hard preprint process are possible most annoying.
Both much more userfriendly with TeX. We can solve the second one,
but to simplify file format we should insert something other into
workflow and did the trick (back to SGML?).

As for me, using TeX based tools to produce HTML looks like a quest,
but I'm not experienced here. So if someone (you, Jeremy, or anybody
else) can discover this, it would be really good. Please note, that
first of all we need to setup requirements. For example, website
should support skins or something similar; data consolidation (RSS)
and redistribution (news items) should be supported as well. And
only after that made decision is TeX (and any other tool) appropriate
here or not.


P.S. To keep all things together I've occuped BSDDF namespace on
NetBSD Wiki - Please
feel free to put all mentioned tools (add plasTeX to the list) into
the Wiki. Later I'll made separate announcement for this wiki and
other resources - I want to prepare them first so any further
discussions will went there.