Subject: Re: 7 points user's memo (was why XML?)
To: None <>
From: Andrew Ball <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 04/02/2007 13:28:19
Hello Przemysl/aw
PP> A lot of steam was released but we are still in the same dock.
> This way we can argue for ages.
This is just like in a meeting where ideas are proposed and then
rejected. It may /seem/ like no progress has been made, but in truth
participants are in a subtly different position because everyone knows
what was discussed and that can shape future thinking. In an effective
meeting each participant has to understand that "no" can be a valid
answer and (except in the rare extreme case) try to respect the
PP> Where, what, in what format, etc.
I think the "in what format" has been asked and answered, although
there's probably always room for discussion of potentially useful
PP> I can create new WWW with NetBSD contents ina few days. It's no
> problem as I designed and created numerous WWWs...
I've given people a solid grounding in HTML in a one hour class and
they've gone on to develop their own Web sites. It's a useful, but not
exremely rare skill. Being able to write effective copy is another
useful skill. The combination of those is probably more unusual, but
teamwork can help there.
PP> For the last time I suggest you a change. No threat, but result
> of my discouragement.
That's almost unreadable as English. I /think/ you're saying that you
made some suggestions, that were not meant as threats, but you fealt
discouraged because your suggestions were not adopted. Is that what
you meant?
PP> What about Great NetBSD Docu Division? What's that?
It sounds like a (somewhat inflamatory) way of stating the obvious and
inevitable fact that there will always be documentation that is an
official part of the NetBSD project and unsupported (but still very
useful and valued) third-party work.
PP> 1) "WWW Team" and "Wiki Team" will be "formally" elected (with
> common sense on mind of course :-) ) with __member names
> available to all__.
I don't have a problem with this per se, but can't help thinking that
it might actively discourage contributions.
PP> 2) WWW Team and Wiki Team will declare mutual help signed on
> highest levels. :-)
Doesn't that go without saying? Perhaps not.
PP> 4) All hostilities between WWW and Wiki will stop immediately.
Perhaps I've been living under a rock, but I wonder whether these
"hostilities" exist outside your own imagination.
PP> 5) Developers and programmers (or WWW Team) will determine weak
> points in NetBSD Docs and will start to improve the
> situation.
That sounds like a good idea.
- Andy Ball