Subject: [docathon] Converted PR.list
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 04/05/2007 19:36:03
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline

attached is a converted htdocs/developers/PR.list file and patch.


Daniel Sieger
Faculty of Technology
Bielefeld University

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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="PR.xml"

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE webpage
  PUBLIC "-//NetBSD//DTD Website-based NetBSD Extension//EN"

<webpage id="developers-PR">
<config param="desc" value="Resolving Problem Reports"/>
<config param="cvstag" value="$NetBSD: Exp $"/>
<config param="rcsdate" value="$Date: $"/>
<title>Resolving Problem Reports</title>

<sect1 role="toc">

<sect2 id="top">
<title>Resolving Problem Reports</title>

<sect3 id="intro">
<para>The NetBSD Project uses the GNATS <quote>Problem Report</quote>
  database to accept and track bug/problem reports from all users of
  NetBSD. When used properly, this facility allows us to make sure
  that no problem with the NetBSD software goes unfixed.</para>

<para>The GNATS database uses Internet E-mail as its principal
  submission mechanism, and keeps the problem reports (commonly
  abbreviated <quote>PR</quote>) in Internet E-mail format, with an
  extended header format in the body of the message. The database uses
  one file per PR, and each category is a directory, in a manner
  similar to the MH mail system, and NetNews.</para>

<sect3 id="access">
<title>Accessing the Problem Report Database</title>

<sect4 id="webinterface">
<title>Web Interface</title>

<para>There is a web-based interface to the GNATS database that has
  both a <ulink url="../Gnats/">tree of database summary pages</ulink>, and a <ulink
  url="../Misc/query-pr.html">search</ulink> facility. The web interface
  has some limitations:</para>

  <listitem>The web interface is several hours behind the actual
    database because it operates on a copy of the database for
  <listitem>The web interface <emphasis>does not</emphasis> provide
    access to any PR marked <quote>confidential</quote>.</listitem>
  <listitem>PRs displayed by a web browser have been through
    sufficient transformation that <quote>cut &amp; paste</quote> is
    not likely to do what you expect (i.e. patches will not apply
    properly because of white space substitution, uuencoded text
    will not decode properly).</listitem>

<sect4 id="netbsd-bugs">
<title>The netbsd-bugs Mailing List</title>

<para>All PRs, confidential or not, are sent to the <ulink
  URL="/MailingLists/#netbsd-bugs">netbsd-bugs</ulink> mailing list,
  so that subscribers can see each PR as it is added to the

<sect4 id="gnatscommands">
<title>The GNATS commands on</title>

<para>The GNATS database lives on the host  All
  developers are given an account on that host so that they can
  directly manipulate PRs, and access confidential PRs. The commands
  <command>edit-pr</command> and <command>query-pr</command> live in
  <filename>/usr/pkg/bin</filename>; Make sure you have that directory
  in your <varname>$PATH</varname>.</para>

<para>There are no UNIX Manual pages for these commands.  As with most
  GNU software, there are <quote>info</quote> pages available through
  the <command>info</command> command. Also, invoking
  <command>query-pr</command> without any arguments will cause it to
  give its usage message.</para>

<para>The <command>query-pr</command> command is a proper database
  query interface; it has a large number of options to search the
  database. Once you know the PR number of the PR you wish to
  manipulate, you can:</para>

    <para><command>query-pr --full</command> &lt;number&gt;</para>
    <para>This will dump out the full PR without any transformation to
      standard output.</para>
    <para><command>edit-pr</command> &lt;number&gt;</para>
    <para>This command will start up a text editor
      (<application>vi</application> by default; but this can be
      overridden by the <varname>$EDITOR</varname> or
      <varname>$VISUAL</varname> environment variables), so that
      changes can be made to the PR.</para>

<sect4 id="edit-pr">
<title>The Common Reasons to <command>edit-pr</command></title>

<para>The most common changes made to a PR are:</para>

    <para>Change the PR's <code>&gt;State:</code> field to one of the values
      listed in <ulink URL="../Misc/pr-states.html">state</ulink> as it progresses
      through the process of resolving it.</para>
    <para>The person listed in the <code>&gt;Responsible:</code> field of the
      PR should be making these state changes, as it is necessary.</para>
    <para>Change the PR's <code>&gt;Responsible:</code> field to the account name
      of a developer who will handle the PR.
      This person becomes the PR Submitter's primary contact for
      getting the problem resolved.</para>
    <para>This field can have any username from /etc/passwd on
      <code></code> and anyone listed in the
    <para>All PRs get a default Responsible Person when they are
      initially filed, appropriate to the category in which the PR
      was filed (e.g.  <quote>security-officer</quote> for PRs in
      the <quote>security</quote> category). The
      file lists the default Responsible Person for each
    <para>There is also a table of <ulink
      url="../Gnats/#table-responsible">developers responsible for
      current PRs</ulink>.</para>
    <para>Change the PR's <code>&gt;Category:</code> field.</para>
    <para>It is not unusual for a PR Submitter to have made a poor
      category choice. There is a list of <ulink
      url="../Gnats/#category-descriptions">PR categories and their
      definitions</ulink> and a table of <ulink
      url="../Gnats/#table-category">current PRs by
      file lists the valid categories and the default Responsible
      Person.  It is usually necessary to change the
      <code>&gt;Responsible:</code> field at the same time to a more
      appropriate person. Most often, the correct Responsible Person
      is the default Responsible Person for the new category.</para>
    <para>Change other <ulink url="../Misc/pr-fields.html">PR
      Fields</ulink> according to the analysis of the responsible

<para>Edit each field you think needs modifying, then save the file
  and exit the editor. The <command>edit-pr</command> will then
  prompt for a short explanation to be typed for each key field
  change (mostly <code>&gt;State:</code> and
  <code>&gt;Responsible:</code>). This text is entered one line at
  time, ending with <command>^D</command>.</para>

<para>This text is then sent via e-mail to the PR Submitter, the
  Responsible developer, and <email></email>.
  It is also appended to the PR by <command>edit-pr</command> along
  with the user ID of the developer making the change, a timestamp,
  and the entered text.</para>

  <para>Unfortunately, no external editor can be invoked at this
    point; if you make a mistake, you'll have to use
    <command>edit-pr</command> to correct it.</para>

<sect3 id="resolve">
  <title>Resolving Problem Reports</title>

  <sect4 id="ideal">
    <title>The Ideal Process</title>

    <para>In an ideal world, the process for a problem report is as

        <para>A NetBSD user has a problem with NetBSD. He invokes the
	  <command>send-pr</command> command on his system (assuming
	  it's still stable enough to do that), and files a Problem
	  Report. Hopefully, he follows all the advice found in <ulink
	  url="../Misc/pr-hints.html">"What goes into a Problem
	<para>If the user's own system is not stable enough to use
	  <command>send-pr</command>, there is a <ulink
	  url="../Misc/send-pr.html">web interface</ulink> that can be
	  used to submit problem reports.</para>
        <para>When the PR arrives at <code></code>,
	  the GNATS database system examines it, and files it. If the
	  PR is malformed, it will be filed in the
	  <code>pending</code> category, marked confidential, awaiting
	  manual intervention by the GNATS database
	<para>If the format is OK, the PR is assigned a PR number,
	  filed into the requested category, and E-mailed out again to
	  the default responsible party for the category, and to the
	  mailing list.  A notice of the PR number and default
	  Responsible Person is also E-mailed back to the PR
        <para>The Responsible Person should read and analyze the
	  PR. Any other person who has insight into the problem should
	  also <ulink url="../Misc/send-pr.html#appending">add
	  whatever information they can to the problem report</ulink>
	  (this is why the report is mailed out to a mailing list; a
	  wide audience increases the probability that a key insight
	  needed to solve the problem will be discovered).</para>

	<para>If the default Responsible Person determines that
	  another developer is a more appropriate Responsible Person,
	  the PR should be reassigned with
	  <command>edit-pr</command>. The new Responsible Person
	  should read and analyze the PR.</para>
        <para>Once a cause and potential fix has been identified, a
	  description should be added to the PR, and the <ulink
	  url="../Misc/pr-states.html">state</ulink> should be changed
	  to <code>analyzed</code>. At this point, implementation of
	  the fix for the problem begins.</para>
	<para>This part of the process should begin as quickly as
	  possible, since a user with a current problem is suffering,
	  but also has his attention engaged, and his hardware
	  available for testing potential fixes. If a PR is allowed to
	  languish, the opportunity to reproduce the problem and test
	  potential fixes may be lost.</para>
        <para>Once the implementation of the fix is completed and communicated
	  to the PR submitter, the PR <ulink url="/Misc/pr-states.html">state</ulink>
	  should be changed to <code>feedback</code>, awaiting response from the PR
	  submitter that the fix really works.</para>
	<para>A PR should also be put into <code>feedback</code> state when input
	  is required from the submitter to complete the analysis of the PR
	  (i.e. when you ask them a question), or when you need information
	  from some other source (essentially, <code>feedback</code> is a wait
        <para>Once the PR submitter confirms that the fix works, the PR
	  can be <code>closed</code>.</para>
    <para>At each step of the PR handling process, make sure that
      feedback and other analysis and commentary is <ulink
      url="../Misc/send-pr.html#appending">appended to the PR</ulink>
      by using a proper E-mail subject line and making sure that the
      messages are copied to
      <email></email>. Having a complete record
      of information about the PR is valuable both while hunting down
      the bug and for future system maintenance.</para>
    <para>If at all possible, it is important to get any fix committed
      to the CVS trunk <ulink url="releng/pullups.html">pulled
      up</ulink> by <ulink url="releng/">NetBSD Release
      Engineering</ulink> to the "-release" branch, so that people who
      are tracking that branch can get the fix right away rather than
      waiting for the next major release of NetBSD. This also makes it
      possible for the next point release of NetBSD to have the
    <para>The NetBSD Community is a whole lot of very smart, and very
      experienced people. If you're having trouble analyzing a problem
      report, ask questions in the appropriate <ulink
      url="../MailingLists/">mailing list</ulink>; more than likely,
      someone will be able to help.</para>

<sect4 id="otherways">
<title>Other Ways Things Get Done</title>

<para>The Ideal Process was described above. That's not the only way
  that problem reports get handled. All of the principal people
  involved in NetBSD are pretty busy, and can't devote full attention
  to this project. As such, if you see a PR that you can solve that
  hasn't been attended to yet, go claim it by setting yourself as the
  Responsible Person with <command>edit-pr</command>, and solve

<para>Even if you don't feel qualified to hack the code yourself, if
  you can offer a test case or other information, send it along to
  GNATS to be <ulink url="../Misc/send-pr.html#appending">appended to
  the PR</ulink>. <quote>Many hands make light work.</quote></para>

<para>Some problem reports are so trivial that the fix is obvious (or
  perhaps the fix was provided by the submitter), that they go directly
  from <code>open</code> to <code>closed</code> immediately after the fix is

<para>If for some reason you find that you're unable to finish
  handling the PR, reset the <code>&gt;Responsible:</code> field to
  whoever had responsibility before you took the PR over.  Don't
  prevent others from making progress on the PR because they think
  you're taking care of it.</para>

<para>As long as you're marked as the Responsible Person for a PR,
  you'll receive a monthly E-mail reminder about it. Use those
  reminders to drive you to review PRs and put them into their correct
  states as time passes.</para>

<para>When a PR is in <code>feedback</code> state, the PR submitter gets an
  E-mail monthly reminder at the same time as the Responsible Persons
  do, to prompt or prod them into responding. Generally, if there
  has been no response for more than three months (three reminder
  cycles), it's pretty safe to assume that the submitter is gone or
  no longer cares.  At that point, whether to close the PR becomes
  a judgement call for the Responsible Person - how serious is it?
  Should it be solved without further input from the Submitter?</para>

<para>The other way we use the GNATS PR database is to keep track of
  problems which are waiting for larger issues to be solved. The
  oldest PR in the database at this writing, <ulink
  (yes, of course it would be 13!) begs the entire
  internationalization of the NetBSD system. I18N is a hard problem
  that requires a wholesale overhaul of the system, which is why that
  PR is still open after seven years. This doesn't mean we'll never
  solve it; just that it isn't as critical as some other problems
  reported in the database.</para>

<para>In effect, this usage of the GNATS PR database is as a long-term
  project tracking system.</para>

<sect3 id="priorities">
<title> Priorities, Severities, and Releases</title>

<para>In an ideal world, the GNATS PR database would be empty, we'd
  release perfect software, and Microsoft would be a shadow of its
  current self.</para>

<para>The <code>&gt;Priority:</code> field in the PR reflects this ideal,
  in that <code>high</code> priority is supposed to be fixed immediately;
  <code>medium</code> is supposed to be resolved before the next release
  of NetBSD (major or minor?), and <code>low</code> priority gets solved

<para>In practice, PR resolution is dependent on the right mix of
  submitter interest, developer interest, problem reproduceability,
  hardware availability, and good timing. If any of the required
  elements is missing from the mix, the PR will sit.</para>

<para>If we were really diligent about PRs, we would adjust the priority
  of each PR to reflect its actual importance, and probability of
  getting fixed according to the definitions. Unfortunately, that
  requires an overall evaluation of Release Engineering goals and
  targets and all PRs relative to each other, which is difficult for
  a dispersed group to do in an organized fashion.</para>

<para>In contrast, the <code>&gt;Severity:</code> field is really an
  expression of the amount of pain the user is going through with the
  problem being reported, and it's something we really shouldn't
  adjust without careful consideration.</para>

<para>The proper procedure would be to review all PRs in the database
  at each release point, to decide on a per-PR basis whether to
  <quote>fix now</quote>, <quote>fix later</quote>,
  <quote>suspend</quote> and adjust priorities. Perhaps one day we'll
  have the resources and manpower for that.</para>


<sect3 id="remotegnats">
<title>Remote GNATS Operations</title>

<para>For people who find logging into a remote host tedious, the
  following csh aliases might be useful:</para>

alias query-pr  'ssh query-pr --full \!* | tee pr-\!*'
alias edit-pr   ssh -t edit-pr


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