Subject: Re: wiki for translation in french
To: None <>
From: Gratian Irimia <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 04/23/2007 10:25:05
AFAIK, netbsd-docs@ its for NetBSD official docs. And your wiki is not.
I agree it would be nice if NetBSD will support many languages as
possible, not only ports, but it will be possible only if users
willing to help will focus on the official documentation..
I dont know what the hell is going wrong lately, why people finds the
NetBSD WWW as "1996-ish" or whats wrong with the documentation, but
please, help NetBSD, or leave us alone.
2007/4/22, Ulrich Etile <>:
> Dear lists,
> As you already know it, french translation is obsolete.
> Unfortunately, I don't know if there is people who are translating the
> guide in french actually. So I propose to gather our
> knowledges of translation and our competences through a wiki that you
> can find at :
> Just need to create a count for writing access.
> For the procedure :
> Actually, main goal is the guide.
> Wiki will need translators and readers.
> Please, rejoin the wiki.
> --
> -- Ulrich Etile,
> --