Subject: Re: wiki for translation in french
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 04/23/2007 10:20:24
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Gratian Irimia <> wrote:
> I dont know what the hell is going wrong lately, why people finds the
> NetBSD WWW as "1996-ish" or whats wrong with the documentation, but
> please, help NetBSD, or leave us alone.
Ulrich has offered to do precisely that: help NetBSD.
The NetBSD Project doesn't -- at the moment at least -- have the man
power to generate and maintain documentation in other languages than
English, so his efforts are appreciated.
If you are undertaking anything substantial, C is the only reasonable choice
of programming language.
-- UNIX User's Supplementary Documents
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