Subject: Re: wiki for translation in french
To: None <>
From: Ulrich Etile <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 04/23/2007 20:07:48
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> AFAIK, netbsd-docs@ its for NetBSD official docs. And your wiki is
> not. I agree it would be nice if NetBSD will support many languages as
> possible, not only ports,  but it will be possible only if users
> willing to help will focus on the official documentation..
> I dont know what the hell is going wrong lately, why people finds the
> NetBSD WWW as "1996-ish" or whats wrong with the documentation, but
> please, help NetBSD, or leave us alone.

If I sent a mail to the netbsd-docs@ list it was because
netbsd-docs-fr@ list seems not much frequented.

I think there is a small mistake...
The goal of this wiki is precisely translating NetBSD official docs.
Once finished, the next step will be converting to .xml files.

Of course guide is the first step...

We are late about translation and I just wanted to propose
a simple way to translate and read more quickly. That's all.

> Ulrich has offered to do precisely that: help NetBSD.

> The NetBSD Project doesn't -- at the moment at least -- have the man
> power to generate and maintain documentation in other languages than
> English, so his efforts are appreciated.



-- Ulrich Etile,

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