Subject: Re: netbsd guide
To: None <>
From: Klaus Heinz <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 04/25/2007 21:31:59
Mark Weinem wrote:
> Although I know there are no official rules about what belongs into the
> guide and what not, the guide should IMHO only be about the installation
> and the things that are part of the NetBSD system (src & xsrc).
I agree. At the moment, I do not know of any guidelines what should be
part of the guide and what should not.
Is the guide supposed to be a comprehensive manual for NetBSD? This
would be similar to what the FreeBSD handbook tries to achieve, at least
that is what I perceive when I look at the table of contents:
Installation, UNIX basics, installing applications, X, desktop
applications, multimedia, kernel configuration, printing, linux
compatibility, tuning, booting, user management, security, jails, access
control, auditing, storage, GEOM, vinum, virtualisation, localisation,
freebsd-current, serial communications, slip/ppp, email, network
servers, firewalls, advanced networking.
Personally, I would like the guide to "guide" new users to a full
installation, including X and simple net access. Further documents (as I
just found out, FreeBSD calls them articles) could be referenced in the
guide and be separate documents on the web site.
The guide should be printable and available in appropriate formats like
postscript/PDF, the "articles" could be accessible over the Internet.