Subject: Re: netbsd guide
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 04/25/2007 12:41:28
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Klaus Heinz <> wrote:
> Personally, I would like the guide to "guide" new users to a full
> installation, including X and simple net access. Further documents (as I
> just found out, FreeBSD calls them articles) could be referenced in the
> guide and be separate documents on the web site.
> The guide should be printable and available in appropriate formats like
> postscript/PDF, the "articles" could be accessible over the Internet.

How about splitting content into a "Basic Guide" and an "Advanced
Guide"?  Or "Install Guide" and "User Guide"?


Tradition is the illusion of permanence. -- Woody Allen

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