Subject: RFC: Changes to "NetBSD Gallery" website (was: Changes to htdocs/gallery/index.xml and resources.xml)
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Mark Weinem <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 05/08/2007 13:24:49
Hubert Feyrer:

> I wonder if we should merge the resources.xml file into the gallery
> main page, though - giving an overview on all the topics first in
> gallery/index.xml, then having all the details from resources.xml right
> in there. This would remove another page that's not easy to find, esp.
> with the title it currently has.

If nobody objects i will make the patch.

But i think that the page title "NetBSD Gallery" is confusing and 
misleading. "Gallery" for me suggests only images or pictures  (photos of 
developers, hardware or events, screenshots, posters etc.)  - but no the 
whole universe of NetBSD-related resources. So what do you think about 
changing to a more suitable title?  

Something like "All about NetBSD", "The NetBSD Universe", "The World of 
NetBSD", "NetBSD Pathfinder", "NetBSD - all the resources" or whatever

best regards, Mark

Mark Weinem
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