Subject: Re: guide.diff
To: Mark Weinem <>
From: Adam Hamsik <>
List: netbsd-docs
Date: 07/24/2007 21:36:06
Hash: SHA1

On Jul 21, 2007, at 12:26 PM, Mark Weinem wrote:

> Adam Hamsik wrote:
>> I have updated my patch so now there are all files. NetBSD guide also
>> builds for me correctly. There is one empty subchapter in my patch in
>> chap-net-misc with id chap-net-misc-sync-systemclock-server I don't
>> have  enough information about setting ntpd server to write it.  
>> but if
>> we add chapter about client we should add chapter about server  
>> also :).
> Sure, we should have that chapter. We can add this to the worklist.
> But I don't like like to fill up another chapter with "misc" stuff.
> Why not just a "chap-net-ntpd" chapter instead?
Because chap-net-misc already exist:). we have to alternatives here I  
can create 4 small chapters from chap-net-misc  
(nfs,bridge,ntp,ipv6to4) or we create one bigger with misc. stuff  
there. I preffer bigger chapter but I can do it also with other way :).

>> I will go to the weekend vacation tomorrow, there I want to write  
>> some
>> missing parts of our guide mostly filesystem, disk device part(I hope
>> that I will completely nuke misc chapter with this chapter).
> That's sounds great!
>> I want to include these subchapters in filesystem chapter:
>> realfs -> lfs, ffsv1,ffsv2, ext2 etc.
> okay
>> puffs/FUSE filesystems
> Isn't this -current/5.0? Will puffs be backported to 4.x?
> To stay maintainable, the guide should only handle the two actual
> release/stable versions
> This will be NetBSD 3.x and 4.x, until the release of 5.0
> But this should really not detain you from documenting the brandnew  
> things!
> We could put this temporary under -> "FAQs and
> HOWTOs",
> maybe under something "New in NetBSD-current"
> For puffs/FUSE please also look at:
ok I will write it :) we can add this somewhere.

>> pseudo filesys -> kernfs, procfs, nullfs etc.
> okay
>> in disk devce chapter I want to add these chapters
>> netbsd partitions (include disklabel and wedges/gpt)
> Oh, I would really appreciate to have documentation about wedges/gpt!
> But this is also  NetBSD-current/5.0, or not?
> So it's maybe not yet suited for the guide - but of course  
> somewhere else!
I'm not dk guru :) I will try to write something and BTW gpt is  
already in NetBSD-4.
>> setup booting from partition.
> okay
> Many, many thanks for your support!
> Best regards, Mark

- -----------------------------------------
Adam Hamsik
icq: 249727910

Proud NetBSD user.

We program to have fun.
Even when we program for money, we want to have fun as well.
~ Yukihiro Matsumoto

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)
