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Re: Modifying topHeader to merge both navbars

On 21.07.2012 23:03, Julian Djamil Fagir wrote:
>> Comments?
> tested with Opera 12.00 plus all-eating misconfigured proxy, and
> it works. * ISC sponsor is listed twice * I like the idea, but I
> think the bar looks somehow... misplaced. The whole website looks 
> somewhat "orientationless", the old one had the one thick grey bar 
> which gave a fixpoint.

Hmmm, the bar should not move vertically (but will adapt to window's
size horizontally). I chose it so it can align with the main central
column, but this can look back for other parts of the site. I just
fixed the left margin, I will fill the empty centralHeader space with
some feeds/tweets/fb shortcuts, but that's for another day.

Its a matter of tastes, many sites nowadays have a "fixed" main
central window and fill the empty sides with a pattern. I find that it
wastes space, but I have no strong opinion on that.

> Maybe stick to the old colours (white/grey)?

Tried it. It looked... dirty and sad, but I am not an artist.

> * I also don't know if I like the content being centered.
> But all in all it looks like an improvement over the current 
> website, no matter my comments are cared for.

They do, however I do not think that I can find a layout that will
satisfy everyone's tastes. Well, except if you can point me to a site
that does, I will take inspiration from it :)

Jean-Yves Migeon

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