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Re: A diff for INSTALL.html

On Mon, Dec 06, 2021 at 03:03:49AM -0800, Andras Farkas wrote:

-.Dl # Ic "cd / ; tar -zxpf set_name.\*[setsuffix]"
+.Dl # Ic "cd / ; tar -xzpf set_name.\*[setsuffix]"

What is that change good for?

> > One thing I didn't do in the diff...  I wish the mentions of full,
> > minimal, and custom installations mentioned how a full installation
> > isn't truly full: it doesn't install the source sets.

Maybe we should just mention the source sets in the description of the
various sets, just like we do describe the debug sets even if they are not
part of all install media (but can be downloaded during installation).

I would still call it a "full" installation, as there are no
restrictions on the installed system from the users PoV (similar to the
debug sets) - it just is not enough to do a full NetBSD build, but most
people wouldn't want to do that on every installed system anyway.


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