Subject: dialup terminal lines
To: None <>
From: None <bmilliga@NMSU.Edu>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/05/1994 21:35:32
I am trying to set up a modem for a dialup line on a netbsd 0.9
system. The modem answers the phone, but I get no login response from
the system. Dialout on the modem works fine.
The kernel configuration for the com port is
device com2 at isa? port "IO_COM3" tty irq 5 vector comintr
The /etc/ttys line is
tty02 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" dialup on
Is there something else that must be configured? Should there be
a flags argument in the kernel configuration? If so, what should it
be and how can I figure it out?
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Brook Milligan
Department of Biology 505-646-7980
New Mexico State University 505-646-5665 FAX
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003