Subject: NetBSD_1.0Beta crashing a lot
To: None <>
From: Brett Lymn <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/07/1994 16:22:12
I am having a horrible time trying to compile X11R6 on my
NetBSD_1.0 Beta machine. The problem is not X, that seems to compile
fine (I think) _but_ I am having one hell of a time with my box
crashing - I cannot get through a make World of X without it falling
over at least a few times. I suspect the problem is due to intensive
activity on the SCSI drive. I have tried frightening the machine
horribly and rummaged in it's guts to wriggle all socketed chips and
simms but this does not seem to have helped. I have had this machine
since the days of 386BSD 0.1 and compiled X on it before without this
sort of drama.
About the only error I have seen is an NMI after a long burst of SCSI
activity (could my hold times on the AHA be wrong? I have not changed
them - maybe I should?) but this does not always crash the machine.
The _Beta I have is from around 8/1/94 (1st of August not the 8th of
The hardware I have is:
486DX/25 Micronics motherboard with 16Meg of RAM
AHA1542B SCSI Adapter with a Wren VII (1Gig) and Maxtor LXS213 (old
Sun 207 drive I scrounged)
DTC ESDI controller with Wren V (330Meg drive - this is the boot
2 Generic Serial boards (one hardware hacked to use different ints)
Puretek VGA board (Tseng ET4000 chipset)
Wangtek QIC tape drive + controller (QIC02 variety)
plus ancilliary bits....
Would it be prudent for me to get a later version of 1.0Beta? I am
loath to do this unless it is really necessary as I live at the end of
a very flakey and slow slip link :-(
Brett Lymn, Computer Systems Administrator, AWA Defence Industries
"Aha! Pronoun problems. It's not `shoot you, shoot you', it's `shoot me,
shoot me'. So, go ahead, shoot ME, shoot ME <BLAM>... You're Despicable"
-- Daffy Duck