Subject: 14k4 modems and NetBSD-1.0 ?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Arne Helme <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/03/1995 11:46:14
Could someone please tell me whether 14k4 modems are supported by
NetBSD-1.0 and what I need to put in /etc/remote to make it work?  I
have had no luck in configuring a Hayes compatible modem to run at
14k4 (I use 'tip') in order to run SLIP across the link.  


-- Arne Helme
|    Arne Helme,, (finger)     |
|    PHONE: +31-53-893735, FAX: +31-53-333895, HOME: +31-53-326377     |
|    WWW  :    |
| Inf/SPA, Univ. of Twente, P.O.Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, Netherlands |