Subject: IBM ThinkPad Trackpoint II mouse device?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Arne Helme <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/18/1995 12:03:34
Has anyone of you managed to configure NetBSD-1.0 to use the
Trackpoint II mouse device on an IBM ThinkPad?  Currently I have
installed NetBSD-1.0 and XFree86-3.1 on my TP360CE, and everything
seems to work great except for the trackpoint device.  That is, it
works, but it locks up my console as soon as I read events from
/dev/pms0.  I am able to run normal X sessions without any problems
using the keyboard and the trackpoint device simultaneously, but when
I return to the console, the machine does not accept keyboard input
anymore.  I am also able to trigger the same behaviour without X by
issuing 'cat < /dev/pms0 > /dev/null' on the console or via a remote
login shell.  I have not found any other way to unlock the keyboard
again than to reboot the machine.

What I have done:

1. Configured a GENERICAHA kernel with:
       device          pms0    at isa? port "IO_KBD" irq 12

2. Made pmsprobe() more-or-less a null-routine that returns 1.  The
   reason for this is that I have not been able to probe the
   Trackpoint device successfully with the existing code.  Clues?

3. I have also tried to comment out parts of the initialization code
   in pccons.c (pcprobe()) since this used to put the keyboard on the
   TP750s in a weird state.  On the TP360CE it makes no difference
   with regard to the trackpoint/keyboard problem.

Any ideas???


-- Arne
|    Arne Helme,, (finger)     |
|    PHONE: +31-53-893735, FAX: +31-53-333895, HOME: +31-53-326377     |
|    WWW  :    |
| Inf/SPA, Univ. of Twente, P.O.Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, Netherlands |