Subject: Re: getting netbsd
To: None <>
From: Kenneth Stailey <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/19/1995 21:00:46
>I want to install NetBSD 1.0 instead....I was thinking of ftping all the
>netbsd files and writing them to dos disks...I know I can use DD to
>rawrite the boot disks from linux, but does anyone know the exact
>paramters/command I should use??
As far as I know Linux has no raw floppy disk interface. You must use
dd if=uncompressed_image_file of=/dev/fd0
do not use "bs=18k" as it requires /dev/rfd0. The only Linux box I
can (or care to) use is version 1.0.9, so they might have fixed this.