Subject: Re: NetBSD-1.0 Memory/Swap problem
To: Christoph Warns <>
From: Achyutram Bhamidipaty <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/08/1995 20:09:28
Christoph Warns writes:
> I get frequent crashes when the machine is heavily loaded and
> swapping. Usually it is freezing instantaneously with the HD-led
> on or it resets itself.
I have no idea if this will help... I've noticed that on some occasions
I can get my 1.0 i386 (with patches) system to hang when I used gdb.
Someone suggested that it may have something to do with running out
of swap. I dont think thats the case for me since I have 13meg of ram
plus 26meg of swap and I really dont push the system that much (emacs
and a few xterms). Hoever I have noticed that ever since I started
checking the swap usage (pstat -s) before using gdb the system does
not hang. On the one occasion I did not use pstat before starting
gdb, the system hung. YMMV.
My suggestion: try using pstat -s before you use ghostview and see
if that makes a diff.