Subject: Re: NETBSD 1.0
To: None <PC123!>
From: Mike Long <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/10/1995 10:18:17
>From: PC123! (Johnny Mo)
>Date: 09-May-95 14:29:00 -0300
>I'm a newbie on this... I have the CD-ROM version (BSDisc) from infomagic
>and I can't seem to be able to find anywhere step by step instructions
>for the full installations of BSD.
If this BSDisc is a full 1.0 distribution there should be an INSTALL
file on there somewhere.
>My problem that I'm having now (because I can't find it anywhere in the
>docs) is that when I log in as root, I can't do commands such as ADDUSER
>I also get myname# as a prompt, and when I change the file hosts it gives
>me an error.
There is no adduser command, only the manpage describing the process.
Maybe this question belongs in the FAQ?
I strongly suggest that you RUN to the book store and pick up "Unix
System Administration" by Nemeth, Snyder, and Seebass (sp?). It tells
you almost all you need to know. The second edition came out
>I figure I'm not building or compiling or installing something...
>I know I've been spoiled with DOS & Windows but I'm not giving up with Un*x
>.. I really want to master BSD and Linux
Good. We've gotten another one back from the Dark Side. :-)
Mike Long <> PGP 2.6.2 public key signature:
VLSI Design Engineer CCBF225E7D3F7ECB2C8F7ABB15D9BE7B
Analog Devices, CPD Division "Get a life" -- Prosecutor Marcia Clark
Norwood, MA 02062 USA assert(*this!=opinionof(Analog));