Subject: Re: Configuring uucp
To: Nik Habermel <>
From: rferraro <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/30/1995 18:15:46
>I think you need to do some reading about TCP/IP and uucp.
>They are different. SLIP is the data-link layer of TCP/IP.
>You can run uucp over TCP/IP if you want. Knowing this
>usually makes understanding the difference harder.
>Is there a university library near you where you can research these things?
Yes Mr. Habermel, and I really will read more about it, but I still with the problem of configuring the /etc files of NetBSD 1.0 to be able to dial to some
local host or on-line service as a BBS for example.
I understand the concept of layers and some differences between them. I was studing QUARTERMAN & CARL-MITCHELL's book, /The Internet Connection: system connectivity and configurarion/ but this book deals with generic questions and not specifically with what was happening between netbsd and me :)
They say that UUCP works directly at transport layer. SLIP and PPP stay at network layer and so do not need to have TCP or IP configured. Hence I have to deal with SLIP and PPP first to be able to configure UUCP, is that right ?
I was following this idea till I start starved...
I was trying to talk to someone out there using "cu" or "tip" but none of them
could reach my modem to make dial up calls.
Do you have any suggestions ?
Thanks again, Ricardo Ferraro.
PS: Today I discovered that some documents are not present at my /usr/share/doc/* like those concerning uucp and internetworking with i386.
In special:
>> Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
>> 55-21-2851522 (local phone)
>> (voice)