Subject: Telnetd on NetBSD - negotiation of parameters
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: James Burton <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/13/1995 14:11:58
I have a problem with telnetd negotiating parameters with telnet clients
on some other systems. Notably FreeBSD, HP-UX, Sunos. I have no problems
with the telnet client on my Amiga. Anyway the problem causes the client
to go into 'line-at-a-time' mode, and it won't come out for cbreak programs.
Giving it the "mode characters" command fixes the problem. Does anybody have
any idea what the hell I have done to make it behave like this?
James (NetBSD/i386 in this case if that matters)
James Burton ( | Every jumbled pile of person has a
Kingsbury, Melbourne, Australia | thinking part that wonders what the
WWW : | part that isn't thinking isn't thinking of