Subject: RE: shell merits (was Re: vipw done, now what?)
To: netbsd-help <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kwast, Jeroen <jkt@GESASDSC.NT.GETRONICS.NL>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/09/1996 08:53:00
>at the risk of making a three-sided flame war, i don't particularly
>like either one. i think csh is the best command-line shell, but
>even though sh is better for programming i prefer tclsh. it has
>separated globbing out of the evaluation process and supports
>any kind of string in its list syntax, making it much easier to,
>say, handle arbitrary directory contents. (try handling a file
>named "!how'$them*there apples" in csh or sh.)
>tcl has more built-in
>string/list manipulators; in sh and csh you have to start horrific
>pipelines to do simple things like downcase, figure out the
>next version number, insert to or search a list...
>tcl has useable arrays.
>tcl syntax is -much- easier than sh and csh. (and P*L and R*X...)
>sh has only about two real advantages over tclsh:
>signal support, and you can assume it exists.
>there. i promise that's all about it i'll dump on this mailing list.
>(personal-mail debate always welcome ;)
>Hume Smith <> NetBSD r00lz :)
>Real Americans don't carry cash. Their police may steal it.
How about bash ???
It has sh, csh & ksh features build in.
And command line completion / substitution.
Since I use is (about 4 years now) I can't live without it.