Subject: Two problems
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: For every thing, there is a season <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/23/1996 12:30:29
I have two more problems for consideration. Thanks to everyone who's
helped out on the last few. :)
The first problem is probibly easier. Running NetBSD/i386 1.1, how do
I make a modem dial? What's the device? I have tried using tip and cu. At
the moment, I can put a modem on what MS-DOS calls COM2. (I'm guessing.... I
never used MS-DOS. I hate it too much. *wink*) Its an external modem, either
a 2400 or a 14400, depending on which one of my two that I put there. If
possible, I'd also like to know how to activate a PPP connection, but I can
figure that out myself once I find out which /dev/* to use.
The second problem is with the xdm that came with XFree86. I know that
this is a NetBSD list, but its easier to find NetBSD/i386 users who happen to
use XFree86 than it is to find XFree86 users who happen to use NetBSD.
Anyway, the error is that the keyboard, after a seemingly semi-random
number of keystrokes, will no longer be recognized. I can type all I want, but
nothing goes into the XTerms. Same thing with the login widget for xdm. The
funny thing is that if I put "xdm &" in my /etc/rc.local, and do not disable
regular (text-oriented) logins, it will still lock the keyboard, but quiting
the session will allow me to type again. If, using bowman, I kill the login by
clicking the mouse on the close-box, it goes back to the login widget. At that
point, I can type again. However, the next login has the same problem.
I have used xinit with no problems for a number of hours, so I'm
certain that the problem has something to do with logging in through xdm and
the X login widget.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance! :)