Subject: Re: Detailed info on using /usr/sbin/config?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Kennedy <robert@Theory.Stanford.EDU>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/11/1996 11:31:43
Jason Thorpe wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Apr 96 17:35:24 EDT
> Mike Long <> wrote:
> > 02.config documents "old" config, and isn't included in the NetBSD
> > tree anyway.
> Umm ... "old config" is in the tree ... the doc isn't :-)
The doc *was* in my tree, but I lost it. Can anyone tell me which part
of the distribution it's in?
More details:
I somehow got a copy of the 02.config doc in my (NetBSD-1.1) tree, but
I don't know which part of the distribution it came from. And then I
managed to trash that directory by doing a 'make install', which
panicked the kernel ("locking against myself") because install is too
stupid to notice it's trying to install a file on top of itself. So I
no longer have the 02.config document. I probably won't ever need it,
but can anyone tell me which piece of the distribution to re-grab to
find it? I thought it would have come from ssrc11, or maybe ksrc11,
but it didn't. Where did I get it from?
-- Robert