Subject: Re: process can't malloc more than 16M...what am I missing here?
To: Michael Bradford <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/12/1996 10:47:49
You probably need to change the reource limits - netbsd defaults
to 16Mb datasize..
% limit datasize
datasize 16384 kbytes
% unlimit datasize
% limit datasize
datasize 65536 kbytes
(This on a NetBSD/sparc machine).
In c you'd use 'setrlimit()'.
David/abs (
+44 181 888 8949 System Manager, Southern Studios Ltd, Box 59, London N22 1AR
>=- OpenBSD Free un*x for {sparc,i386,m68k,...} -=<
<<< Monochrome - Largest UK Internet BBS - telnet >>>
On Thu, 11 Apr 1996, Michael Bradford wrote:
> Hello. I've been running our netbsd successfully as a platform for our
> name server for about two years now; however, we've come across a rather
> perplexing problem over the last few months. As our name service has grown
> substantially over the last year (about 120 domains now), the amount of
> memory required by named has also grown substantially, as you can probably
> imagine. The machine itself is a minimal configuration, and is dedicated
> just for DNS (no X, no fun stuff...).
> The problem is that there seems to be a malloc ceiling of 16M, after which
> named complains that it can't malloc any more memory and crashes.
> Originally we had 20M of memory, and thought that the machine wasn't
> swapping, so we built some test programs that would malloc memory beyond
> the amount of available RAM to see what would happen. As it turned out,
> the machine was swapping, but the test programs were also unable to malloc
> once they approached 16M.
> So then we added another 16M (we needed this anyway), but still processes
> are unable to acquire more than 16M of memory. I was unable to find any
> kernel options relating to this, or any other explanation for the problem.
> So, I'm hoping that someone else might have an easy explanation for this
> that I have just overlooked.
> The configuration is as follows:
> ALR Business VEISA 486DX-33
> 36M RAM
> 200MB IDE disk
> 40M swap
> NetBSD 1.1
> BIND 4.93-REL
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance..
> ____________________________________________________________________________
> Mike Bradford
> Network Services
> Dept. of Computing Services
> University of Arkansas