Subject: Re: making inn and suck
To: noud de brouwer <>
From: Brett Lymn <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/25/1996 14:37:28
According to noud de brouwer:
>>I've make to run inn and suck for a week.
>hum..suck sounds as a nice command to use.
>where's that to find?
Dunno if it is the same thing but I knew the program as slurp -
basically, you point slurp at a cooperative news server and it sucks
down all the articles you do not have.
>btw: my INN doesn't feed posted articles upstream, anyone??
Have you configured the upstream site into your newsfeeds file? At
it's simplest you should be sending all articles to your upstream
site, inn will decide which ones to send based on the news headers.
If you have this bit correct then you should be seeing files in
/var/spool/news/out.going with the name of your upstream site, these
files will contain the article names that need to be sent upstream.
If these files are there you can be reasonably certain that you have
newsfeeds correct.
and are you running the nntpsend command from cron like this:
00,30 * * * * /usr/local/news/bin/nntpsend
Brett Lymn, Computer Systems Administrator, AWA Defence Industries
"Upgrading your memory gives you MORE RAM!" - ad in MacWAREHOUSE catalogue.