Subject: How to limit the e-mails a user can receive
To: NetBSD-Help <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dante Profeta <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/14/1996 18:03:20
I have to limit the e-mails the users can receive _per_quota_basis_.
For this purpose I mounted a quoted /var/mail partition, but I've seen that mail.local
append the messages to a "user" file with the directory privileges (root, wheel), making
the quota armless.
To avoid this behaviour I modified the mail.local source to manually check the user quota
and let it append the message only if the quota limit is not exceded.

This is not a very good solution, but I've not found any other method.

I could tell sendmail to write the e-mail into the user home dir, but I cannot do so
because I cannot mix the user home quota with the user mail quota.

So, Is there a more good method to achive my needs?

Please let me know if (or not) another solution exists.

Thanks in advance,