Subject: Re: Serial Port Programming
To: John Maier <>
From: Paulo Alexandre Pinto Pires <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/31/1996 01:57:51
Hello, all.
> I'm in need of help.
> I have been pouring over the man pages on termios, ioctl, etc. Then I
> checked out the Using C on the UNIX System book, and it seems just a bit
> dated, and is actually worthless on port control. I went to the
> /usr/share/docs for help and was very disappointed.
> I've looked at the source for tip/cu and getty but the programs go about
> opening the port differently. Then after looking at sliplogin, there is
> the whole issue of POSIX or not.
What kind of access to serial ports do you need? I'm writing a
program to monitor an UPS serial interface with the closest approach
to DOS's direct reads as I could find.
Is this your case?