Subject: Re: 1.2 Supped over 1.1, and the next step is?
To: None <>
From: Mike Long <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/13/1996 22:12:25
>Date: Sun, 13 Oct 1996 16:30:22 -0400
>From: Hacksaw <>
>I have a sup directory with appropriate files, but I still seem to
>have gcc 2.4.5 sources. I suppose it might have been silly to try and
>get it from umn if they might be out of sync, but why wouldn't sup
>pick up on this? It spent 8 hours receiving and updating, including
>about 2 hours of gcc.
Do you use the 'delete' option in your supfile? If not, sup will
never remove files or directories that have been eliminated, as
src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc2 was.
Mike Long <> <URL:>
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