Subject: mount_msdos a complete drive
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/14/1996 23:47:02
I have a machine that is being converted from spending some time as
a toy (Quake fest) to a NetBSD system. It has a 300Mb IDE drive with
Windows. That drive will eventually go away.
It also has a 4Gb SCSI drive, now with NetBSD, base12,etc12 and
secr12 on it. We did not get the ethernet card working (you may seen
my question re: RTL8029 in -current). I moved the rest of the stuff I
wanted to the IDE drive in preperation for putting on floppy.
I then wondered why we needed to do that. Couldn't I just mount the
IDE drive as an MSDOS partition. Alas, this is a Win95 drive. I think
it has a large block allocation size. I thought we could do this with
the "wd0d" partition. No luck. I get:
# mount -t msdos /dev/wd0d /mnt
msdos: mount: Invalid argument
There is also a Syquest 44Mb removable. It has an MSDOS file system
on it (Unsure if there are Win95 stuff on it).
# mount -t msdos /dev/sd1d /mnt
sd1: no disk label
msdos: mount: Invalid argument
Obviously, I do not have a BSD label on it. Do I *really* need one?
:!mcr!: | Network security consulting and
Michael Richardson | contract programming
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