Subject: Assorted Problems
To: NetBSD help <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rob Rutherford <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/28/1996 09:24:42
I've just installed NetBSD Amiga And I have a few unexpected
problems, and questions.
1) The user account I've created echoes the ^? to the screen and
doesn't backspace over the character. However the system aknowledges the
changes made to the line. Seems like a corrupt shell, but the sh works
fine with root, do I have a problem with the tty settings?
2) The user account doesn't create a .cshrc file when I first
log on to the system. A .cshrc was created when I first logged on as root,
but one was not created when I logged on through my user account.
4) in /etc/passwd there are some extra fields, where would I look
up information on these. name:passwd:gid:uid:?:?:User Name:home
What are the two ? fields for?
5) Is is possible to get my NetBSD HD to come up under boot
options so I don't have to wait to load Amigados first?
My system is a Amiga 2000 with 6 megs, (4 on A2630, 2 on A2091)
fast ram, 2 meg chip, Picasso II, 850 meg ADOS HD (SCSI 6), 130 meg NetBSD
HD (SCSI 0), and 1 Zip drive (SCSI 5). The NetBSD formattd HD doesn't
appear on the boot devices menue. NetBSD 1.1 (I've had it sitting on
disk for quite a while.)
Thanks in advance.
|Rob Rutherford |Mandatory Disclaimer: |
|A.K.A. mirage | |
|E-mail |If my views were those of my university |
| |my tuition wouldn't go up every year. |
| URL |