Subject: procfs file system
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jose Alburquerque <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/03/1996 11:45:38
Hi.  I tried to have the /proc file system automatically mounted on start
up by adding the line

/dev/proc       /proc           procfs  rw

to my /etc/fstab file.  It is mounted to /proc as desired and there are
subdirectories corresponding to the active processes.  However, I cannot
access the `status' file of any of the processes.  When I do an `ls -l' in
any of the processes subdirectories I get the following list:

--w-------  1 joselito  users       0 Nov  3 23:25 ctl
-r-xr-xr-x  1 bin       bin    245760 Dec 24  1995 file*
-rw-------  1 joselito  users     108 Nov  3 23:25 fpregs
-rw-------  1 joselito  users  475136 Nov  3 23:25 mem
--w-------  1 joselito  users       0 Nov  3 23:25 note
--w-------  1 joselito  users       0 Nov  3 23:25 notepg
-rw-------  1 joselito  users      72 Nov  3 23:25 regs
-r--r--r--  1 joselito  users       0 Nov  3 23:25 status

Why is it that the files ctl, mem, note, notepg and status (in particular)
have 0 length?  The man page for mount_procfs says that the file status
should contain a line with the process information.  Is there a "right"
way of accessing this file that I'm ignoring?  Thanks.


P.S.  I'm currently running NetBSD1.2 on an Amiga if that's any help.

  * * * *     +<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>+
 *        *   |                   Jose A. Alburquerque                   |
*  O    O  *  |                                |
*    ()    *  |              |
*  \----/  *  |                                                          |
 *        *   |         "In God we trust" - From face of US penny        |
  * * * *     +<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>+