Subject: man pages missing
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andreas Brusinsky <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/03/1996 23:11:31
Where or how(maybe with sup) can I get a current(complete) man-pages
At some points in questioning the 'man'ual of NetBSD-1.2 for HP300 I was a
bit disapointed because there where probably some man pages missing.
When i ask man like 'man -k boot' it reports beside others
boot (8) - system bootstrapping procedures
boot (9) - halt or reboot the system
Now I would like to see the man page in the eigth chapter
#man 8 boot /* but this gives just */
man: no entry for boot in the manual.
And my 'find / -name 'boot*' -print verifies that there is no
boot.0 file in the 8. chapter of a man tree.
Although I currently found out that there is a boot_hp300(8) page,
I know that there is no options(4) page.
Thanks Andreas