Subject: upgrading from 1.2 to -current
To: netbsd-help <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rob Deker <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/05/1997 13:54:59
Ok, I'm having some trouble updating to -current. What is the correct
method to take a stock 1.2 system and get it running -current? I've tried
the prograssion suggested in bsd.faq.3 that Marc Wandschneider suggested,
but the compile on /usr/src/lib/libc breaks so I don't get very far.
Any help is appreciated...
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out the transceiver, down the rj45 | Systems Engineer
line, across the router, through |
the Hub, out the gateway. |
Nothing but net." |